Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world in many ways, from enhancing productivity and efficiency to creating new opportunities and challenges. However, AI also poses significant risks, such as ethical dilemmas, social impacts, legal implications, and human rights issues. Therefore, organizations that develop and deploy AI systems need to take measures to reduce these risks and ensure that their AI is aligned with their values and principles.

One of the measures that organizations can take is to establish an AI ethics board, which is a group of experts and stakeholders that oversees the ethical aspects of AI development and deployment. An AI ethics board can help organizations to identify and address potential ethical issues, ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, foster trust and transparency, and promote responsible and beneficial AI.

However, designing an AI ethics board is not a simple task. There are many factors to consider, such as the board’s responsibilities, legal structure, composition, decision-making process, and resources. Moreover, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for creating an AI ethics board, as different organizations may have different goals, needs, and contexts.

In this tutorial, we will examine how AI companies could design an AI ethics board in a way that reduces risks from AI. We will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to make five high-level design choices:

  1. What responsibilities should the board have?
  2. What should its legal structure be?
  3. Who should sit on the board?
  4. How should it make decisions and should its decisions be binding?
  5. What resources does it need?

We will also break down each of these questions into more specific sub-questions, list options, and discuss how different design choices affect the board’s ability to reduce risks from AI. By following this guide, you will be able to create an AI ethics board that suits your organization’s needs and objectives.

Step 1: What responsibilities should the board have?

The first step in designing an AI ethics board is to define its responsibilities. This means deciding what kind of tasks and functions the board will perform to oversee the ethical aspects of AI development and deployment. Some of the possible responsibilities are:

  • Setting ethical guidelines and standards: The board can develop a set of ethical guidelines and standards that reflect the organization’s values and principles, as well as the expectations of its customers, partners, regulators, and society at large. These guidelines and standards can provide a framework for evaluating the ethical implications of AI systems and ensuring their alignment with the organization’s goals and mission.
  • Reviewing and approving AI projects: The board can review and approve AI projects before they are launched or deployed, based on the ethical guidelines and standards. This can help to prevent or mitigate potential ethical issues, such as bias, discrimination, privacy violations, harm, or misuse. The board can also monitor and audit the performance and impact of AI systems after they are deployed, and suggest improvements or corrections if needed.
  • Providing advice and consultation: The board can provide advice and consultation to the organization’s management, staff, developers, researchers, customers, or other stakeholders on ethical matters related to AI. This can help to raise awareness and understanding of the ethical dimensions of AI, as well as to foster a culture of ethical responsibility and accountability within the organization.
  • Engaging with external stakeholders: The board can engage with external stakeholders, such as regulators, policymakers, industry associations, civil society groups, academia, media, or the public on ethical issues related to AI. This can help to build trust and transparency between the organization and its external environment, as well as to influence or respond to the broader social and regulatory context of AI.

The responsibilities of the board should be clearly defined and communicated to all relevant parties within and outside the organization. The board should also have sufficient authority and autonomy to carry out its responsibilities effectively and independently.

Step 2: What should its legal structure be?

The second step in designing an AI ethics board is to determine its legal structure. This means deciding how the board will be legally constituted and governed within the organization. Some of the possible legal structures are:

  • Internal committee: The board can be an internal committee within the organization’s existing governance structure. This can facilitate coordination and communication between the board and other parts of the organization, as well as ensure alignment with the organization’s vision and strategy. However, this may also limit the board’s independence and diversity, as well as expose it to potential conflicts of interest or pressure from the organization’s management or shareholders.
  • External advisory body: The board can be an external advisory body that is separate from the organization’s governance structure. This can enhance the board’s independence and diversity, as well as enable it to draw on external expertise and perspectives. However, this may also reduce the board’s influence and legitimacy within the organization, as well as create challenges for coordination and communication with other parts of the organization.
  • Hybrid model: The board can be a hybrid model that combines elements of both internal and external structures. For example, the board can have a mix of internal and external members, or have a dual reporting line to both the organization’s management and an external entity. This can balance the benefits and drawbacks of both internal and external structures, as well as allow for flexibility and adaptation to different situations and contexts.

The legal structure of the board should be consistent with the organization’s legal status and obligations, as well as the board’s responsibilities and objectives. The legal structure should also be transparent and accountable to both the organization and its external stakeholders.

Step 3: Who should sit on the board?

The third step in designing an AI ethics board is to select its members. This means deciding who will sit on the board and represent the different interests and perspectives related to AI ethics. Some of the possible criteria for selecting board members are:

  • Expertise: The board should have members who have relevant expertise and experience in AI, ethics, law, regulation, business, social sciences, humanities, or other fields that are pertinent to AI ethics. This can help to ensure that the board has the necessary knowledge and skills to understand and address the complex and multidisciplinary issues that arise from AI.
  • Diversity: The board should have members who reflect the diversity of the organization and its stakeholders, such as in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, culture, geography, profession, or background. This can help to ensure that the board has a variety of viewpoints and perspectives that can enrich its deliberations and decisions, as well as increase its credibility and acceptance among different groups.
  • Independence: The board should have members who are independent from the organization and its interests, such as external experts, academics, civil society representatives, or regulators. This can help to ensure that the board has a degree of objectivity and impartiality that can safeguard its integrity and legitimacy, as well as challenge or question the organization’s assumptions or practices.
  • Stakeholder representation: The board should have members who represent the interests and concerns of the organization’s stakeholders, such as customers, employees, partners, suppliers, investors, or society at large. This can help to ensure that the board has a sense of responsibility and accountability to those who are affected by or involved in AI development and deployment.

The selection of board members should be based on a clear and transparent process that involves consultation and participation from both internal and external stakeholders. The selection process should also be fair and inclusive, avoiding any bias or discrimination.

Step 4: How should it make decisions and should its decisions be binding?

The fourth step in designing an AI ethics board is to define its decision-making process. This means deciding how the board will make decisions on ethical matters related to AI development and deployment. Some of the possible aspects of the decision-making process are:

  • Decision-making method: The board can use different methods to make decisions, such as voting, consensus, majority rule, or veto power. The choice of method may depend on factors such as the size of the board, the complexity of the issue, the urgency of the situation, or the level of agreement or disagreement among board members. The decision-making method should be consistent with the board’s objectives and values, as well as respect the views and rights of all board members.
  • Decision-making criteria: The board can use different criteria to make decisions, such as ethical principles, guidelines, standards, frameworks, codes of conduct, best practices, or case studies. The choice of criteria may depend on factors such as the nature of the issue, the availability of information or evidence, the relevance or applicability of existing norms or rules, or the preferences or expectations of stakeholders. The decision-making criteria should be clear and explicit, as well as aligned with the organization’s values and principles.
  • Decision-making authority: The board can have different levels of authority to make decisions that affect AI development and deployment within the organization. For example, the board’s decisions can be advisory (i.e., providing recommendations or suggestions), consultative (i.e., requiring consultation or approval from other parties), or binding (i.e., requiring implementation or compliance from other parties). The level of authority may depend on factors such as the legal structure of the board, the responsibilities of the board, the impact or significance of the issue, or the trust or confidence in the board. The decision-making authority should be well-defined and communicated to all relevant parties within and outside the organization.

The decision-making process should be transparent and accountable to both internal and external stakeholders. The decision-making process should also be flexible and adaptable to different situations and contexts.

Step 5: What resources does it need?

The fifth step in designing an AI ethics board is to allocate its resources. This means deciding what kind of resources (e.g., human, financial, technical) the board will need to perform its responsibilities effectively and efficiently. Some of the possible aspects of resource allocation are:

  • Human resources: The board should have enough members to cover the range and depth of ethical issues that arise from AI development and deployment. The board should also have access to qualified staff, consultants, or experts who can support the board’s activities, such as conducting research, analysis, evaluation, or communication. The board should also have a clear and fair system for selecting, appointing, training, evaluating, and rewarding its members and staff.
  • Financial resources: The board should have enough funds to cover the costs of its operations, such as salaries, travel, meetings, equipment, or publications. The board should also have a transparent and accountable system for managing its budget, income, and expenses. The board should also have a sustainable and independent source of funding that does not compromise its integrity or autonomy.
  • Technical resources: The board should have enough tools and technologies to facilitate its work, such as data, software, hardware, or platforms. The board should also have a secure and reliable system for storing, processing, and sharing its information and data. The board should also have a robust and ethical system for ensuring the quality, accuracy, and validity of its data and tools.

The allocation of resources should be based on a careful assessment of the board’s needs and objectives, as well as the availability and feasibility of the resources. The allocation of resources should also be reviewed and adjusted periodically to reflect the changing circumstances and demands of the board.


In this tutorial, we have provided you with a step-by-step guide on how to design an AI ethics board that can reduce risks from AI development and deployment. We have discussed how to make five high-level design choices:

  1. What responsibilities should the board have?
  2. What should its legal structure be?
  3. Who should sit on the board?
  4. How should it make decisions and should its decisions be binding?
  5. What resources does it need?

We have also explained how each of these choices affects the board’s ability to reduce risks from AI, as well as listed some options and considerations for each choice. By following this guide, you will be able to create an AI ethics board that suits your organization’s needs and objectives.

However, designing an AI ethics board is not a one-time or static process. It is a dynamic and iterative process that requires constant monitoring, evaluation, and improvement. Therefore, you should always be open to feedback, learning, and adaptation when creating and running an AI ethics board.

We hope that this tutorial has been helpful and informative for you. If you want to learn more about AI ethics or related topics, you can check out some of these resources:

  • [AI Ethics: A Primer]: A comprehensive introduction to AI ethics by Stanford University.
  • [AI Ethics Toolkit]: A practical toolkit for developing ethical AI systems by Microsoft.
  • [AI Ethics Guidelines Global Inventory]: A collection of AI ethics guidelines from different countries and organizations by AlgorithmWatch.
  • [AI Ethics Podcast]: A podcast series that explores various aspects of AI ethics by Oxford University.

Thank you for reading this tutorial. We hope that you have learned something valuable and useful from it. We wish you all the best in your AI ethics journey!



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